Email Marketing for Business Owners
Learn how to grow your list and sell to your ideal customer in their own inbox
Watch this hour and a half class on your own time at your own pace.

What would you do if instagram was gone tomorrow?
Or what if your account was hacked?
Our friend Pat over at @thehellyeslife just got her personal account STOLEN. She had 90k followers, and she did end up getting her account back, but ALL HER CONTENT WAS GONE FOREVER.
What would be left of your business?
How would you get in touch with your customers?
Don't have the answers? Is your biz super dependent on instagram?
That's ok if it is, but we're here to tell you you want to build on your own land. You want to have forever access to your contacts.
Your insta posts are seen by about 10% OR LESS of your followers.
Your emails, however, have open rates of about 20-30% (so 2 or 3 times that seen on insta)
And welcome emails have a 85% average open rate!
We need to collect followers via instagram, and then shuffle them to another permanent place. Like your site.
Think of instagram as a billboard. You are attracting new clients, and then getting them to ACT.
Think of billboards urging you to download that song, or go to the movies, or purchase car insurance. All of these actions are called CONVERSIONS.
We want to get people off of this initial interaction and convince them to trust you, so you can make money from them (and in turn offer them something really amazing in exchange!)
We have a much better chance of engaging with your audience more authentically and more efficiently via email.
PLUS on average, businesses make .25$ to $1 PER CONTACT PER MONTH serving their email list.
So how do we do it?
How do we get people to give you their precious email address? And then, once we have their email, what on earth do we do with it? How do we speak to our audience?
How do you get them to purchase your product or service?
We're here to tell you how.
This class will cover:
-How to build an email list
-Which platforms are the best for a newsletter
-What to write to your list
-How to offer freebies + advertise freebies to capture new audiences
-How to create dynamic funnels to introduce new leads to your biz offerings
-How to convert followers into paying customers
The world is online. Get in their inbox.
Meet your teacher
Phoebe Sherman is the voice, artist + CEO behind Girl Gang Craft. With years experience in social media, email marketing, brand partnerships, event planning, and podcasting, Phoebe is your go-to expert on growing your creative business. She strongly believes growing and serving your email list is a PRIORITY in running your biz.

Feedback from the class:

Are you ready to invest in your business?
To sell to your community right in their own inbox?
Sign up below!
See you in class!!!
Contact information
We're so excited to see the content you will make!

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Everything you need to know about growing your list, serving your customers, and creating automations.
Oh, and PS this is a write-off!
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